Thursday, June 26, 2008

werewolve’s electricity go drippity drip

I can just picture my face as the small bit of smoke rises. What was so cold in my mouth, is now warm, and my face has that smile as if i just found the answer to a difficult equation. And i did. No, of course, not yet. Though, I constantly am getting this light electrical buzz, on the right side of my head, just above and back beyond my ear. It's like an electric melting. Is it an itch? Is it asking for something? An itch to be scratched? Or to meet a silver bullet? A silver bullet finally coming face to face with some electrical melting seems almost like a story meant to happen, wouldn't you agree? I turn my head to the right, and can feel electricity dripping down the side. I found it strange at first, and wondered if i should worry about it, but now i realize it is not important, and i'm not sure why i have typed about it.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

eagle diamonds

i was just looking at wallets online at urban's site. i don't know why. seems like a silly thing to do after the fact. i've had the same wallet since i was 16, and i used to have a huge chain connected to it. recently i got what the cashier at the new Tibet store, on hennepin, referred to as a "purse", and have been using it for a wallet. though the colors are kind of bleeding. i don't think it's made to be in a spot with that much moisture. anyway. i may need a new wallet. shopping online for one seems silly though. because really, you need to hold it in your hands and see if you will be able to pull out certain cards quickly or not, and if you're able to place your cash back neatly into it, or if you find yourself just kinda stuffing it in as a big wad of wrinkly cash. that's what this wallet has been having me do lately. i still try to keep it organized - the bigger bills in the back etc...but it's no use - wrinkled wads come and go. oh yeah. that just reminded me, after looking up wallets - i checked out vests. thought that it'd be funny to start wearing vests. after about 5 minutes of looking at this one page of vests. i realized. it wouldn't be funny at all. i cannot wear a vest. man, that'd be weird. then i was wondering if you'd able to find high fashion life-vests. you know, like a life vest that's made out of pure diamonds. that would so make sense. you'd just blind the shit out of an eagle, if you went canoeing. that would cause the eagle to take a 2nd look at you and it'll be like "whoah! those are diamonds!" and you hear him, and whisper "the diamonds are all here, eagle. they're all here..." (as you're tapping on the chest of your life preserver)and it's all "wtf?"

so i'm at work - and i just got a call - and i verified it was the debtor that i was needing to talk to - and i opened as to what the call was for, and she just set the phone down and left. all i could hear was this intense, (and i mean seriously screaming and yelling intense) preacher going at it, on the tv or her radio. he was really meaning what he said. he went on and on "do you belive it?!! DO YOU BELIEVE IT?!!!" the crowd was going wild.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

i was thinking, if a goth kid's going to finally decide to party - they should show up at the party with the greatest entrance someone can. they could wear a t-shirt that say's "hell's a rager" - and waltz into the party announcing that they are ready for the ultimate party and blow themselves away after they say "it's time to party!". and let me tell you! partying that hard is something that you can only do once! it's how goth turns to shock rock.